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Friar Daily Reflection

Giving Testimony

Giving Testimony

The gospel readings so far this week have been from Luke 21, a chapter that is prophetic, apocalyptic, and sometimes seen as Wisdom literature. The context is in the middle of the last week of Jesus’ life. As the disciples are admiring the Jerusalem Temple, Jesus...

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Constancy and Hope

Constancy and Hope

This last week of the liturgical year we continue to reflect on the end times. Our concerns about the end times center around when, how, what the end will happen. Just the thought of the end of the world or our own personal life tends to produce very emotional...

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A Poor Widow

A Poor Widow

The poor widow in today’s Gospel is often held up as the model of generosity and church giving.  But there might be more than meets the eye in today’s Gospel passage.  The Gospel is more a warning to religious preachers and teachers to not manipulate and misuse the...

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Faith to Action

Faith to Action

Today when Jesus enters the temple, he encounters the marketplace for selling authorized animals for thanksgiving and penance sacrifices. The marketplace was located just inside the main entrance. Within the business mindset that had invaded their worship style, it...

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We Give Thanks

We Give Thanks

Today is a day to recognize our many blessings and to give thanks to God.  In today’s second reading Paul leads us in a pray of thanksgiving: “I give thanks to my God always on your account for the grace of God bestowed on you in Christ Jesus… God is faithful, and by...

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Standing Still

Standing Still

The gospel for today tells the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus from the Gospel of Luke. St. Luke is a pretty good story teller. Luke chapter 15 is a wonderful collection of parables about things lost and found: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son....

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The Kingdom of God is Among You

The Kingdom of God is Among You

The folks in Jesus’ time wanted to know a specific sign to recognize the beginning of the reign of God. They were always asking when and where it would start. What would be its characteristics? Right up to our times, people are still concerned about these questions:...

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We Give Thanks

We Give Thanks

The simple lesson in today’s Gospel is to give thanks for our many blessings.  This message is certainly appropriate as we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving next week.  The Gospel story begins with ten lepers imploring Jesus for mercy and healing: “Jesus, Master!...

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Worlds in Contrast

Worlds in Contrast

The first reading for today is from the Book of Wisdom (2:23-3:9), which provides a profound reflection on the contrast of world views between the foolish and the wise. The foolish people are described as those who reject wisdom and live in a manner that is contrary...

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Friar Reflection

February 2025