CornerstoneOut of an abundance of caution, there are no Cornerstone Retreats scheduled. Once the pandemic restrictions are lifted we will make plans to renew this program.

What is Cornerstone?
Cornerstone is a unique retreat that is designed to provide participants with an opportunity to revitalize and deepen their spiritual lives through a combination of quiet reflection and prayer, and the sharing of their faith journeys. It is a spiritual process that brings men and women together to grow in knowledge and love of God. Cornerstone calls together men and women to experience personal conversion and Christian community. It is an active retreat, as team members share personal stories of hope, groups gather for discussion and Scripture is presented, with interludes for recreation and prayer.
Who runs the Cornerstone weekend?
The Cornerstone Weekend is facilitated by men and women just like you who have previously experienced a Cornerstone retreat and are excited to provide the experience to you. Each team member will share their gifts in a variety of ways, such as leading small group discussions, speaking on selected themes, praying with Scripture, planning prayer services and selecting decorations for the weekend. Team members have specific roles, but share one goal: to support you in growing personally in knowledge and love of God.
What can I expect?
- Time to examine your relationship with God
- Reflecting on what matters most to you
- Shared meals
- Welcome reception with adult beverages
- Team and small group introductions
- Retreat team faith talks
- Time for prayer and reflection
- Reconciliation service in chapel
- Closing Mass
Photos from Women’s Cornerstone 2016
Photo credit: Lucy Cason
Photos from Women’s Cornerstone 2017
Photo Credit: Tia DeLash
How Much?
San Damiano Spiritual Life Center
From Parish in Triangle
- Take I 95 North
- Exit 234 toward Manassas
- Take 234 to 66 West
- Take 66 West for approximately 65 miles to Front Royal
Exit #6 – Rt. 340/522 North – - Continue on Rt. 522 for about 10 miles
- Turn right onto Rt. 642 (Armel Road) – the Center is .7 miles on the left
From South of Stafford
- Take Rt. 17 North (this route will include a few turns and a few merges)
- Continue thru Warrenton and onto the merge with I-66
- Continue on Rt. 17 North via Exit 23 (Delaplane/Paris)
- Follow until the end at Rt. 50
- Left on Rt. 50 West (John Mosby Hwy) for about 10.4 miles to
- Left turn on Gun Barrel Road until
- Right on Chrismore – this road will “T” at Spiritual Life Center.
Friday 5:00 p.m. - Saturday 7:00 p.m. Mass
Mass will end before 7:00 p.m. on Saturday.
Double Room and Single Room Rates
Double rooms for 2018 are $130 and you may designate a roommate on the registration form.
Single rooms for 2018 are $145
For more information on Cornerstone, please contact the parish office: [contact-form-7 id=”7705″ title=”Lisa Ostendorf”]