Who We Are
We are faithful Catholic lay women and men, adults and teens, active in our Faith.
When We Serve
We serve at weekend Masses, special liturgies, holy days, Christmas, Holy Week, Easter and whenever the Holy Mass is celebrated for the parish.
How We Serve
We proclaim the message of hope and love contained within the Sacred Scriptures chosen for each Mass.
What Is Necessary?
Each Lector must complete the training offered by the parish and be willing to regularly serve as Lector when needed.
First Accord - not visible
Our Mission
In proclaiming the Word of God, we help facilitate a prayerful mood in the assembly. We seek to present a thoughtful and prayerful presentation of the Word to help those in attendance be receptive in heart and mind to the message of hope and love shared with all in the proclamation of the Gospel and homily.
An adult or young person (grade 7 or older) who has received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
A person serious about the practice of their faith who already fully and actively participates in the Mass
A person comfortable in public reading willing to prepare for ministry and service as a Lector
Someone willing to participate in initial and subsequent training programs as required by the parish
Previous experience is a plus, but not required.
Other Names
This ministry is also referred to as “Ministers of the Word” or “Reader”
A description of duties
The Lectors proclaim the first or second reading at Mass from the Ambo. In the absence of a Cantor, they may also lead/read the Responsorial Psalm. In addition, if a deacon is not present, a Lector processes the Book of the Gospel to the Altar and leads the Prayers of the Faithful.