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Friar Reflection

Joachim and Anne

In the Scriptures, Matthew and Luke furnish a legal family history of Jesus, tracing ancestry to show that Jesus is the culmination of great promises. Not only is his mother’s family neglected, we...

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Service and Sacrifice

Today is the feast of the apostle James, often known as St. James the Greater perhaps because he was older or perhaps taller than the other apostle named James.  In today’s Gospel Jesus teaches...

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Too Young

Today’s first reading describes the call of the prophet Jeremiah.  The Lord God tells Jeremiah that he has been predestined to be his prophet: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you...

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Mercy not Sacrifice

God “desires mercy, not sacrifice.”  Jesus teaches this message in today’s Gospel.  In fact, he is quoting the prophet Hosea.  Jesus quotes this same passage of Hosea elsewhere in this Gospel when...

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Jesus’ Invitation

In today’s Gospel Jesus gives an invitation to each one of us: “Come to me…”  This invitation is to all who “labor and are burdened.”  What is the source of these burdens?  It can be many things in...

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The Wrath of God

The Wrath of God

Last week all of our first readings were from the Prophet Hosea. Any one of the reflections could have begun: “In today’s first reading the Northern Kingdom of Israel is being warned about the...

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Woe to you!

Woe to you!

When I was a year or two short of being a full-fledged teenager, I was invited to attend my first funeral. It was not a Catholic funeral - and as I came to know - nothing like a Catholic funeral. It...

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Prayer and Justice

Isaiah’s words in today’s first reading are very shocking: “When you spread out your hands, I close my eyes to you; Though you pray the more, I will not listen.”  Isaiah is warning the people that...

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The Garden

In today’s first reading, we bring a week of Hosea to a close. The choice of readings paints an image of life with and without God. Monday: God spoke words of faithful, loyal love. “I will espouse...

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Mercy of God

Today we continue to read from the prophet Hosea.  This book is a love story, although sometimes it may seem like a soap opera.  It is the story of a spouse who is unfaithful but is forgiven and...

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