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The Testimony of Stephen

by Apr 16, 2024Friar Reflection

Stephen was brought before the Sanhedrin where, as we heard yesterday, the whole council recognized that he was like an angel. When Stephen spoke in his own defense against the false accusations, he used clear, direct, uncomplicated language. He did not mince words. He was not politically correct. He was not diplomatic. There was no fear in him. This lack of fear came from his experience of the risen Christ in his life. Everything Stephen did was a form of proclaiming the risen Lord.

Responding to the accusations, Stephen simply sums up Israel’s history in the face of God’s actions and love shown through the patriarchs and prophets. He points out how their history was full of hard-heartedness and infidelities. But they were not open to this honest review of their life and history. There was no room in their lives for anything new. How often in our own lives do we block out the risen Christ who wishes to bring us into new life. Stephen says very clearly: You stubborn people, with your pagan hearts and pagan ears. You are always resisting the Holy Spirit.

After the passion and resurrection of Christ, it must have been extremely difficult for that first community in Jerusalem to come to terms with how they had abandoned Jesus in his moment of need. But they had a profound experience of peace and pardon. The first word pronounced by the risen Christ is simply “peace”. Forgiveness where none was due nor expected. This is what transformed them into bold and active witnesses of new life in the resurrection. What would you and your life be like if you lived like Stephen – with heaven open and the risen Christ before you always?

Behold, I see the heavens opened

and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.
