Scripture: One Book at a Time
The whole of Sacred Scripture is a single narrative that promises and points to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of the World. It is an epic story, the greatest ever told, and told "one book at a time." Each book makes it contribution to the narrative as God reveals God's self to us and his desire that all be saved.

Lesson 4: Genesis (Part 2)
The Story of Abraham
Last week we looked at the first 11 chapters of the Book of Genesis. These opening chapters can be thought of the story of “God and Whole World.” This week, our overview of the second part of Genesis (12-50) is a story of “God and One Man: Abraham.”
One of the memorable stories from this part of Genesis is the story of God asking Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. In the second video, we explore the reasons why God tests us.
In the video below, the evening’s presentation on parallels between the stories of Noah/Flood, Abraham/Isaac and the story of Jesus – we as well as Q&A!
For those who would like to explore details of Genesis 12-50, please consider videos from Fr. Mike Schmitz’s “Bible in a Year” program. You can find the entire playlist here.