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The Gospel of John

This Bible Study, led by Fr. Jim Scullion, O.F.M. (PhD) is an introductory view of the Gospel of John and the Johannine letters.  Each of the six lessons consists of a recording and a handout / outline of the particular lesson.

Lesson 1: Introduction

In this first session, Fr. Jim introduces Catholic understanding of Sacred Scripture and then begins to orients the viewer into the particular place of Johannine literature in the corpus of New Testament canonical writings.

Lesson 2: The Prologue

In this nexy session, Fr. Jim provides an in-depth look at the Prologue of the 4th Gospel (John 1:1-18) with a retrospective of looking back into the Scripture of the Hebrew Bible as well as looking ahead within this Gospel

Lesson 3: Signs

In this third session, Fr. Jim begins an indpeth look into the first part of the Gospel: The Book of Signs (John 1-11). In this part of the Gospel there are seven “signs” that point to and reveal the full identify of Jesus

Lesson 1: More Signs

In this fourth session, Fr. Jim continues to unpack the Book of Signs, covering the signs contained in Chapters 5-9, including an review of the “Bread of Life Discourse”.

Lesson 5: Book of Glory

In this fifth session, Fr. Jim moves to the second part of the gospel known as the “Book of Glory.” This session covers the Last Supper, the Passion, Resurrection and appearances.

Lesson 6: The Letters

In this final session, Fr. Jim covers three “Letters of John” to the nascent Christian community. The review places them in the larger Johannine themes of “life” and “love.”