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How we think of her

How we think of her

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Visitation when the Blessed Virgin Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth. It is but one piece of the mosaic of this woman. Today’s gospel passage, the Magnificat is a mosaic of Old Testament quotations and allusions interpreting the...
What I Might Find Out

What I Might Find Out

“In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.” – such are the closing words of today’s Gospel. Now I have the odd problem, but if people asked me if I had troubles, my response would be “No.” I recognize that such fortune has...
St. Augustine of Canterbury

St. Augustine of Canterbury

Today there is an optional memorial for St. Augustine of Canterbury. I think it is good that we know a little more about our ancestors in the Faith – especially the missionary one. It seems especially appropriate here in the Easter Season when so many of our...
St. Bernardino of Siena

St. Bernardino of Siena

Today is the feast day of the Franciscan Bernardino of Siena, OFM, (sometimes Bernardine). He was an Italian priest, missionary, and a Catholic saint most noted for his preaching and evangelizing the people of Italy during the 15th century. He is sometimes called “the...
Talking in circles

Talking in circles

If you are following the daily gospels for Mass, you will have noticed that we are relying on Jesus’ Farewell Discourse presented in Chapters 13 through 17. The context is the eve of the crucifixion, and Jesus knows he will be leaving his disciples shortly. In that...