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Faith and Works

Faith and Works

If you grew up in the South in the 1950s and 1960s and were Catholic, you were someone who needed to be saved, at least in the estimation of your Reformed, Protestant and Evangelical brothers and sisters. Anytime was the right time to ask “Have you accepted Jesus...
For what should we pray?

For what should we pray?

The first reading all week is from the Letter of James. Today’s “installment” is just one of many insights the letter carries about the human condition: “Blessed is he who perseveres in temptation” (James 1:12). Temptation: no one wants it, no one can avoid it, and it...
In our midst

In our midst

In the first reading today, we witness the Ark of the Covenant being moved into the Temple built by King Solomon. To know the story of the Ark of the Covenant is to enter into a geography and history lesson regarding Israel. From its making in the foothills of Mt...
Human Trafficking: modern slavery

Human Trafficking: modern slavery

The Parish Anti-Human Trafficking (AHT) Committee is a dedicated group of parishioners who actively support and participate in the awareness campaigns of several Prince William and Stafford County (and national) AHT initiatives. Does that surprise you human...