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How are you dating God?

How are you dating God?

I am always somewhat bemused when folks ask me for dating advice. Is it that they see in me a font of wisdom, experience, and a treasure chest of great advice? …yeah…OK…that passes pretty quickly. More apropos is the naval expression: “any port in a storm.” The storm...
Mercy and Justice

Mercy and Justice

Recently, the first readings in daily Mass have been from the prophets; last week was Amos and this week we hear from the prophet Hosea. If you would like to read a short introduction to Hosea, you can find it here. Our reading today comes from the larger section of...
Perseverance and Freedom

Perseverance and Freedom

When the Fourth of July comes around each year it is quite common to hear quotes, passages, and speeches that invoke the name of Thomas Jefferson the American statesman, diplomat, lawyer, architect, philosopher, and Founding Father who helped draft the Declaration of...
Saints Together

Saints Together

Most of the apostles and lots of saints have their own feast day, but how about the two most famous saints of the early church? There is February 22nd in which the Church celebrates the “Chair of Peter” the sign that Peter was the first among the apostles and the one...
Deaf to the Word of God

Deaf to the Word of God

The refrain from the psalm response of today’s readings is well paired with the first reading from the Book of Amos: “Remember this, you who never think of God.” In the first reading the prophet Amos is addressing the people of the Northern Kingdom of Israel during...