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The Promise of Mercy

The Promise of Mercy

Today’s gospel is Mary’s prayer immediately following her encounter with her cousin Elizabeth in a scene known as the Visitation. It is part of a larger prayer known as the Magnificat and forms part of every evening prayer in the Church’s Divine Office. Mary’s prayer...
To Whom the Word Came

To Whom the Word Came

Today’s gospel is a familiar part of the Christmas story – the Angel Gabriel inviting Mary into the plans of God for redemption and salvation of the world. Given our proximity to Christmas, I suspect we quickly want to jump ahead in time and move our thoughts...
Who is like our God?

Who is like our God?

Our first reading is taken from the 40th Chapter of the Prophet Isaiah – a chapter we have been reading for more than a week now. Taken a moment to quickly read over Isaiah 40 and you will note how many key verses there are which the Church uses during the...
The Many Faces of Our Mother

The Many Faces of Our Mother

From our first reading: “Many nations shall join themselves to the LORD on that day, and they shall be his people, and he will dwell among you” (Zech 2:15) When I was in Kenya, I remember the first time I saw local artwork portraying Jesus, Mary, and the Holy Family....
Who is like our God?

The Banquet

The first reading today again comes from the Prophet Isaiah. In yesterday’s post what has been, in times past, promised and announced, comes to fruition as the Promise One is depicted as ruling. In place of the kings from the line of David which proved to be faithless...