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Showing the Rock to Others

Showing the Rock to Others

It is so easy for us to develop and then maintain a relationship with God based on natural religiosity. This leads us to only pay lip serve to God without any significance. We also develop a self-righteousness. We begin to judge and condemn others. As Catholics we...
Living Through the End Times

Living Through the End Times

This is the last week of our liturgical year in the Church. This week the readings all speak of the end times. We are fascinated with the end times, the end of the world, the final judgement, the Parousia. We want to know the secrets of the time and events that signal...
God’s Incredible, Unexpected Love

God’s Incredible, Unexpected Love

Zacchaeus was a notorious public sinner in Israel. He collaborated with the Romans by collecting tariffs and tolls. That made him a traitor to his own country in the eyes of all his neighbors. To make things worse, he was a chief tax collector, ostentatiously wealthy...
Thankfulness and Being Ready

Thankfulness and Being Ready

November is the end of the harvest here in North America. This is the month when we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. It is also the month when we come to the end of our liturgical year. Advent brings the beginning of a new year in the Church at the end of November. The...