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Centering in God

Centering in God

Often the incident in today’s Gospel is used to justify taxes or it is used to promote a separation of religious values and duties from civil values and duties. But neither of those interpretations is at the core of Jesus’ statements. The Pharisees and the Herodians...
Meeting of Joy and Blessing

Meeting of Joy and Blessing

What is the most important thing in your life? What is the main guide in our life? Those are very big questions that we often do not take time to answer. Most people tend to center their lives on themselves and getting the things that they want out of life. Mary and...
Aliens and Sojourners

Aliens and Sojourners

Last week I traveled to a cemetery close to Boston for the burial of a friend. Then I took advantage of the long holiday weekend to visit my hometown and family in the Adirondack Mountains. Spring is a time of explosive life in the mountains: new growth on the trees,...
Jesus Prays

Jesus Prays

In today’s Gospel Jesus prays for us with these words, “I pray not only for these, but also for those who will believe in me through their word.”  You and I have come to believe in Jesus through the words of the Gospel.  These words are the preaching of the apostles...
Constancy and Communion

Constancy and Communion

In today’s reading both Paul and Jesus stress the importance of being sent into the world to be signs of God’s love while remaining faithful to the communion and teaching received from them. In the first reading from Acts, Paul gives his farewell address to the...