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Conversion: Profound Change of Way

Conversion: Profound Change of Way

A deeply devout and highly educated in the Word of God and the religious traditions of Israel, Pablo dedicated his life to eliminating the Christian Way because it was initially seen as a heretical sect within the Jewish faith. Pablo underwent a profound...
St. Francis de Sales

St. Francis de Sales

Today is the Memorial of St. Francis de Sales, a priest known for his spirit of optimism, hope, freedom and confidence in God’s love both in his life and his writings. The gospel for the memorial is well chosen for its emphasis on remaining in the love of God,...
Being Part of Jesus’ Life/Family

Being Part of Jesus’ Life/Family

One of the shocking novelties, the Good News, that Jesus brings to us is that Christians through our baptism live inside the communion of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The communion of the Garden of Eden is reestablished in us through Christ and our baptism: a...
Everlasting Sin

Everlasting Sin

In today’s Gospel Jesus speaks about an everlasting sin: “But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an everlasting sin.”  This everlasting sin is demonizing Jesus: “He is possessed by Beelzebub…By the prince of demons...
Word of God Sunday

Word of God Sunday

Today the Church Universal celebrates Sunday of the Word of God, a celebration established by Pope Francis in 2019. It is a celebration that is close to my heart. I have taught Bible Studies in parishes since 1986 and have more that 2,500 posts on my blog FriarMusings...