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Peter: Rock and Satan

Peter: Rock and Satan

In today’s Gospel Matthew continues to tell the story of the disciples’ journey of faith.  The story once again centers on Peter.  In Tuesday’s Gospel Peter showed himself to be a person of faith, at least for a moment.  Peter walked to Jesus on the water but then he...
Distant Promises

Distant Promises

The daily readings are never meant to be a Bible Study per se, but unless one has a sense of the book or scroll from which it is taken, I think people unfamiliar with, e.g., the prophet Jeremiah, easily are lost as the reading is proclaimed. It just becomes words,...
Little Faith

Little Faith

Today’s Gospel seems to be a “Ghost Story.”  At least that is what the disciples think when they see Jesus walking on the water!  They cry out terrified: “It is a ghost!”  In fact, it is Jesus coming to them as they are being tossed about or even drowning.  Peter has...
Memorial of St. Alphonsus Ligouri

Memorial of St. Alphonsus Ligouri

St. Alphonsus is the patron saint of moral theologians. In his day, Alphonsus strove to free the Church from a moral theology that was ever more influenced by something called Jansenism. What is Jansenism? You could spend a whole day tracking its roots from Tertullian...