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Rich and Poor

Rich and Poor

In yesterday’s Gospel Jesus declared: “woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation” (Luke 6:24).  In today’s first reading James exhorts his brothers and sisters, “Those in lowly circumstances should take pride in high standing, and the rich one in...
Ephphatha – Be Opened

Ephphatha – Be Opened

Today’s Gospel contains the strange word “Ephphatha.”  This Aramaic word is translated “be opened.”  Aramaic was the language that Jesus and his fellow Jews spoke in their everyday discourse.  Hebrew, which is similar to Aramaic, was reserved for religious services,...
A Savior for All

A Savior for All

One of the main messages of today’s Gospel passage is that Jesus is a Savior for all, both Jews and non-Jews. Remember, the gospel of Mark was mainly written to share the gospel with non-Jews, so this passage would have special meaning for them, but also for us today....
Finding the Soul Inside of Us

Finding the Soul Inside of Us

In a venerable synagogue in Prague, there is a display of paintings and drawings by children.  It’s a lovely exhibit – until you realize that the children who created these pictures all perished in the Holocaust. There is one sketch in the exhibit that’s especially...