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Unclean, Unclean

Unclean, Unclean

In today’s Gospel Jesus comes face to face with a man possessed by a demon.  Jesus cures the man by commanding the demon: “Unclean spirit, come out of the man!”  Jesus heals or purifies both the man and this Gentile territory.  This Gospel story is filled with signs...
Living a Decent Life

Living a Decent Life

In Albert Camus’ iconic 1947 novel The Plague reads like a foreshadowing of our own tragic two years of the COVID pandemic. The physician at the center of the book, Bernard Rieux, battles the devastating epidemic day after day for almost a year.  The escalating number...
Persistence Generosity

Persistence Generosity

In the traditional understanding of the parable of “The Sower and Seed,” the focus is often on the soil as a description of our hearts, of our openness to the word of God being sown into our lives. The soil/heart is described as a well-trod path, rocky ground, a...
Conversion and Call

Conversion and Call

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul the apostle.  Paul was a zealous Jew who became a zealous missionary or apostle.  In today’s first reading Paul offers his defense or apologia to the Jewish crowd gathered in the Temple as he describes his...