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Let’s not lose the battle, let’s let the seed grow

by Jan 28, 2022Friar Reflection

It is impossible to know how the desire for the Kingdom grows within us, but the Spirit does. We do know that God has placed a seed in each of us which is ready to germinate within us. The action of the Holy Spirit makes it possible for it to be formed until it grows and bears fruit. And also, we know that it is Jesus who shows us how and where to share those fruits.

However, for this to be possible we have to let ourselves be found and loved by God. When this happens, then the beautiful experience that Jesus describes in the second parable in today’s Gospel is developed; we become people capable of relieving and comforting those who need us.

But what happens to the seed on barren land? She struggles to grow and develop but finds it difficult and may die trying. In the same way it happens when we do not allow God to act in our lives; the desire to see the Kingdom of God bearing fruit can die. To build the Kingdom of God we need to take good care of our spiritual life, because it can happen to us just as it happened to David in today’s first reading. He lost the battle of the kingdom because he had already lost the battle of his heart. Let us ask God to help us always, so as not to be defeated and to make the seed that God has sown in us grow healthy and strong to bear many fruits and build the Kingdom of God here and now.