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Novena of the Gospel of Life

Novena of the Gospel of Life

The Knights of Columbus as part of Respect Life Month is encouraging every parishioner to pray the Novena of the Gospel of Life starting Monday October 23rd at the 8:45 AM mass and continuing through Tuesday October 31st. Novena prayer cards will be distributed at all...
Saints of God

Saints of God

Today we begin reading Paul’s letter to the Romans.  This letter is probably the last letter he wrote sometime in the late 50’s.  It is a difficult and challenging letter to read but also one of the most important writings in the Bible outside of the Gospels.  In this...
End of Life Care

End of Life Care

It’s natural to be a little hesitant to talk about the end of life. No one wants to talk about death, not our own or that of a loved one. We are doing all we can to promote life to its full length. We want our loved ones to have full and happy lives; but faced with...


People today cannot just disagree they feel they have to demonize their adversary as being in “league with Satan” as they caricature their stance.  Often these ad hominem attacks reflect more the insecurity of the attacker or the flimsiness of their own position. In...