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Is it lawful?

What is lawful?  This question is asked today in both our civil and religious society.  What does the law require and even demand?  We see this same debate between Jesus and the Pharisees in today’s Gospel.  The Pharisees were a Jewish lay reform movement.  Jews who...

St. Gregory the Great

Today is the memorial of St. Gregory the Great. The gospel reading, particular to the memorial is Luke 22:24-30 which recounts when “argument broke out among the Apostles about which of them should be regarded as the greatest.” It is an ironic selection for a man who...

Into Deeper Waters

Just as if it were yesterday, Jesus calls us to cast our “nets” into a sea that seems empty but is full of “fish” to be “caught.” Jesus said to Peter, “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” Peter and his friends were experienced fishermen. They...

Revealing the Good We Can Do

Pope Francis has done a TV commercial. The Pope recorded the public service announcement for the “It’s Up to You” campaign launched by the U.S.-based nonpartisan, nonprofit Ad Council to increase people’s confidence in COVID-19 vaccines by reminding them that the...