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Revealing the Good We Can Do

by Sep 1, 2021Friar Reflection

Pope Francis has done a TV commercial.

The Pope recorded the public service announcement for the “It’s Up to You” campaign launched by the U.S.-based nonpartisan, nonprofit Ad Council to increase people’s confidence in COVID-19 vaccines by reminding them that the vaccines are safe, effective and save people’s lives.

Pope Francis says in the spot that “vaccination is a simple but profound way of promoting the common good and caring for each other, especially the most vulnerable.”  Being vaccinated is “an act of love – love for oneself, love for one’s family and friends, love for all people.”

The Holy Father echoes Saint Paul’s greeting to the Church at Colossus when he reminds viewers that “love is also social and political,” that “small gestures of personal charity” add dup, “overflowing” into something universal that is “capable of transforming and improving societies.”

“I pray to God that everyone may contribute their own small grain of sand, their own small gesture of love; no matter how small, love is always great.  Contribute with these small gestures for a better future.  God bless you, and thank you,” Pope Francis says.

Have we not all thought at times, I wish I had the power to cure as Jesus cures the sick in today’s Gospel?

Pope Francis is reminding us that we do have that power, even if it is in doing simple things.  Our power to cure may not be as spectacular but it can be as effective.

Pope Francis asks us to see vaccines and the safety message we take, as for the good of others, even if it means some inconvenience and discomfort to ourselves.

In the wearing of a mask, sanitizing our hands, keeping a safe distance, Pope Francis tells us that we are following Jesus in prioritizing the safety of others, especially the vulnerable and sick, even if it means making sacrifices on our part.

Let our simple acts of generosity and sacrifice in these difficult days reveal the good that can come from “loving our brothers and sisters, as we love ourselves.”