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The Center of All Things

In this paragraph there is a change which is typical of Christianity.  Immediately before this all things were in an exalted atmosphere.  There were great thoughts of God, there were prayers for the Holy Spirit, there were quotations from the Old Testament. Now the...

God’s Spirit

The Hebrew word for spirit is ‘ruah’, which means “flowing air” or “wind”.  The ‘ruah’ spirit of God blows where it will.  God’s spirit is not confined by boundaries or limits.  Its power is not diminished because we wish it away. The Spirit of God challenges us to...

Fishing, Eucharist

As today’s Gospel begins it seems all is over and the disciples are ready to go back to their “day jobs” as Peter says, “I am going fishing.”  Of course, it is not over as Jesus instructs them first how to fish, “Cast the net over the right side of the boat and you...

Questions and/or Answers

It is curious that these days we have come across questions such as: Who are you looking for? What are you talking about? What happened? Why are you scared? Why so many doubts? These questions reveal the fear, doubt and uncertainty of the disciples. Possibly these...

On the Road

A young couple receives the wonderful news that they are pregnant.  But their joy soon becomes a nightmare.  Her severe morning sickness debilitates her; her doctor discovers the child is in distress and plans for the worst.  She is confined to bed for the duration of...