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The Center of All Things

by Apr 13, 2021Friar Reflection

In this paragraph there is a change which is typical of Christianity.  Immediately before this all things were in an exalted atmosphere.  There were great thoughts of God, there were prayers for the Holy Spirit, there were quotations from the Old Testament.

Now the narrative changes to the more practical aspects of what it means to be a Christian.  Now they focused on the fact that someone did not have enough and that all must help.

Prayer was essential, as well as the witness of words; but the culmination of their commitment was love of the brotherhood, love for each other.

Two things stand out in today’s first reading.  They had an intense responsibility for each other.  This helped them to realize a desire to share all that they had.

In her book Cloister Walk, Kathleen Norris writes, “Even when I find church boring, I am there because I need to be reminded that love can be at the center of all things, if only we keep it there.”

During this past year especially when on-site Masses were not possible, hopefully we came to realize that our communion with one another is indeed an extension of our communion with God in word and sacrament.  We have experienced that Communion in so many ordinary and small ways during this past year.  By helping one another, providing a listening ear, helping our parish outreach ministries to the most vulnerable and at risk, or even checking in on one another.

Soon we will hopefully return to normal and when we do let us not lose sight of what is most important; that we ought to be a faith community of “one heart and mind”.  Kathleen Norris also notes, “Love is at the center of all things”; from our altar to our homes, our neighborhoods, our work, from our Religious Education program, to our food pantry.  It is when the heart moves us to share that we truly become a community of believers.”