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You and Your Generation

by Sep 18, 2024Friar Reflection

Jesus looks out on the folks of his generation and see resistance to God’s plan. Even though his presence was announced by the John the Baptist and despite his own presence there, the people resisted God’s action in their lives to save them. They are like a bunch of stubborn, pouting, resistant children.

They had a fixed idea of how God had to act in their lives. To them John the Baptist was a fanatic who concentrated on penance and conversion – too spiritual, mystical, and ascetical. Jesus is another mistaken, crazy fanatic who over emphasizes forgiveness and God as father and disregards age-old traditions. God could not be in either one of the two!

These stubborn self-proclaimed guardians of tradition placed themselves in a position above God. They believed they knew how God had to act and how he had to manifest himself in their lives. As a result, a whole generation lost the opportunity to recognize Jesus’ presence in their lives as the hoped-for savior. Rigidness and stubbornness do not lead to wisdom.

It is important for us to have an attitude of openness and attentiveness to God’s Word in our lives. God is constantly calling us to a deeper conversion and a deeper relationship with him. We should be on guard against childish attitudes that impede our relationship with God and impede what God wants us to accomplish.

To what shall I compare the people of this generation?

What are they like?

They are like children
