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Transfiguration of Ourselves and Our World Through the Cross

by Aug 6, 2024Friar Reflection

On the road to Jerusalem para the feast of Passover, the disciples of Jesus were filled wonder from all the marvelous deeds, healings, actions, and words of Jesus. They had very high expectations about their arrival in Jerusalem, the capital, with Jesus. Many thought that Jesus would establish himself as a new king, throw out the Roman occupiers, start a new world, or something like all those images. Yet on the road Jesus announced to his disciples the pending difficulties there and that the Cross is the only way through life into communion with God and others.

This message of the cross did not sit well with their ideas of political glory, the mission of the Messiah, and righteousness. I imagine that among those who really were paying attention, there was quite a bit of confusion regarding the announcement of the cross. I also image that many of them were so caught up with the ideas of a political messiah, new king, glory, and false righteousness that they did not hear or pay attention to this new teaching of the cross.

Today we see that Jesus takes time on the way to Jerusalem for a pause. He calls three disciples up to the mountain top to deepen their understanding of who he is and what his mission is. The true reality of all things is revealed to them there. They see openly who Jesus is, his place in creation, and their place with Jesus. The Transfiguration is a seal on the message of the cross. All the Old Testament (the Law-Moses and the Prophets-Elijah) points to this. Finally, the voice from heaven testifies clearly about the person of Jesus and leaves one command: Listen to him. We are not accustomed to listening to God or others. We prefer our own council, plans and thoughts. Few of us have a deep attitude of listening.

Every day Jesus invites us to participate in the same intimate relationship with him through the cross. What a joy and privilege for us! Yet, we tend to respond like the early disciples with confusion, false righteousness, political glory, running around doing good things like Peter, and maybe even rejection.

Today’s feast of the Transfiguration is celebrated exactly 40 days before the feast of the Exultation of the Cross in September. The Way of the Cross, the way of the suffering servant is the only way that leads to life and communion with God – as seen in the Transfiguration event. If we listen to Jesus and conform our lives to his word, the Transfiguration becomes an ongoing experience, a way of life, not just a one-time event.

This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.
