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The Storm: Terror or Faith

by Jul 2, 2024Friar Reflection

Once again Jesus shows his disciples and us who he really is. In a boat on the Sea of Galilee suddenly surrounded and overwhelmed by a storm, the disciples who as fishermen, would have known the weather and the lake, are filled with fear – even terror. They tried to manage the situation with their own power and knowledge of sailing. But this storm was beyond their capabilities. Up to this point, they had recognized Jesus as a good rabbi or a wise teacher. They had heard the Sermon on the Mount and seen a few physical healings. But had not really understood who Jesus was. The Word of God as manifest in the Sermon on the Mount had remained something outside of them and the healings had been of other people. So being part of Jesus’ group was sort of like having a good time and feeling fine.

Now, this experience of terror in the storm touched their fear and panic. This time it was personal. They didn’t look for Jesus until the last moment of their panic when the waves were breaking over the sides of the boat. As of yet, they did not have that constant rock of faith. Their reaction was one of fear and terror. Before calming the storm, Jesus says to them: “Why are you so frightened, you men of little faith?”

The Gospel is full of questions and open-ended answers. Usually, the answers are new and unexpected. True faith is manifest through constant hope and confidence. True faith looks to God every moment of life. True faith is a constant act of thanksgiving. Managing our lives based on our own power, skills, and knowledge is natural religiosity. That leads to panic. It relegates God to the last place in our lives – a last resort.

Jesus wants to be an integral part of our lives so he can transform us – just as he transformed that storm.

‘Whatever kind of man is this? Even the winds and the sea obey him.’
