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The Ideal Community

by Apr 18, 2023Friar Reflection

Luke, in today’s first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, gives us a summary description of the life of the first Christian community in Jerusalem: “The community of believers was of one heart and mind…”  Luke emphasizes the unanimity of this community (“one heart and mind”).  They shared their possessions: “no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they had everything in common.”  They took care of any needy person in the community.  One gets the impression that this community expected the end to come very soon since they sold their property and houses.  Of course, the parousia or second coming of Jesus didn’t happen as soon as they had hoped or expected.  We are still expecting it in the future: “Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.”  This first community, like Christian communities through the centuries, had to make adjustments to survive and live in the world without losing their first fervor and ideas.

Like that first Christian community our Christian communities today are still called to hear the cry of the poor and to share our goods with the needy.  As children bring up food for St. Francis House during the offertory at our masses they are learning and reminding us of our duty as a “community of believers.”  Their excitement and enthusiasm as they bring up their offering of food for the needy are a great example for all of us and like Joseph in today’s first reading, they are sons and daughters of encouragement.  Luke tells us that Joseph is named Barnabas, “which is translated son of encouragement.”

The Eucharist or mass is the most important way that we obey Jesus’ twofold command of love, love of God and love of neighbor.  We express our love for God when we sing our praise and thanksgiving during the Eucharist.  We also express our love for God when we place food in the baskets in the vestibule of the church as we enter the church and when children bring up food at the offertory.  We show our love for God that we cannot see when we show love for our neighbor that we can see (1 John 4:20).

Image: “Christians in Actions bless the community for Thanksgiving 2013” by In Paris Texas is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.