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Respect for Life

The promotion of life across the entire spectrum from conception to natural death

Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade

Bishop's Comments

Respect Life Novena – 2024

The Knights of Columbus, as part of Respect Life Month, is encouraging everyone to pray the Novena of the Gospel of Life starting Monday, October 21st at the 8:45 a.m. Mass and continuing through Tuesday, October 29th.  Novena prayer cards will be distributed at all masses on the weekend of October 19th and 20th.  If you are unable to attend weekday morning Mass we encourage praying the novena at home as a family.

Conception to Natural Death

One of the most fundamental truths that we proclaim is that human life is a precious gift from God; that each person who receives this gift has responsibilities toward God, self and others; and that society, through its laws and social institutions, must protect and nurture human life at every stage of its existence. That means every human life. At every point in their life. … read more.

Abortion as Health Care?

In recent years pro-abortion groups have radically altered their messaging strategy, adding to the assertio of “pro choice” and now claiming that abortion is essential health care for women. Is abortion health care? While the Catholic Church disagrees, what about the American Academy of Pediatrics? Does abortion meet their standard of care? …read more.

My body, my choice….?

The idea of “my body my choice” is not just the cry for abortion rights. It is a dangerous approach that leads to the devaluing of all life.

Pro-Life: a Just Economy

When we speak of being Pro-Life there are any number of topics that quickly come to mind: abortion, euthanasia, the death penalty, and more. What does not come immediately to mind is economic policy and striving for a just economy. Read more.

End of Life Care

Accompany your loved one through illness and death. It can be a singular, unique experience of grace. It is an opportunity to love. For love “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.” (1 Cor 13:7-8).  Learn more…

The Morality of Assisted Death

Physician-Assisted Death, Euthanasia, Dignity with Death – it is all the planned taking of a life. These are not questions of end-of-life-care, decisions to stop medical treatment, or decisions to let nature take its course. Learn more…

We are the Repect Life Ministry…

Who we are

We are parishioners who advocate for the full meaning of being Pro-Life.  We educate ourselves and others. We pray. We take action in writing our leaders and organizing/ participating in public action. We are not a single-issue ministry. We take seriously the protection of life from conception to natural death.

Why it’s Important

We proclaim that human life is a precious gift from God; that each person who receives this gift has responsibilities toward God, self and others; and that society, through its laws and social institutions, must protect and nurture human life at every stage of its existence – birth, death and all that falls between.

October 2021

The US Catholic Bishops have set the month of October as “Respect Life Month.” During the month our ministry will publish some thoughts and reflections on a range of Pro Life topics from Abortion to End-of-Life Care. You can find the topical papers on our parish website. We encourage you to read and be engaged!

From Conception to Natural Death

Every October, we in the Catholic Church consider more deeply why every human life is valuable and reflect on how to build a culture that protects life from conception to natural death. Read the articles – a new one each week for the month of October. Learn the Catholic Church’s stance of the breadth of what it means to be Pro-Life

Bishop Burbidge on "Women's Health Care Protection"

Read Bishop Burbidge’s full statement on the US House passed legislation that made access to abortion services universal apart from state laws

Respect Life Novena

Beginning October 18th, the Knights of Columbus in cooperation with the Respect for Life Committee will hold a9-day novena for a conversion of heart for people to fully pro-life from conception to natural death. Celebrate with us at the 8:45 am Mass.

National Medical Directive




The parish’s Respect Life action and advocacy efforts focus on the entire spectrum of life – from conception to natural death.

We speak out in defense of all human life with boldness and charity, and celebrate God’s gift of life through all its stages!

Please watch the video below:


The March for Life is an annual Washington, D.C. event that coincides with the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision on abortion. Each year, the March draws thousands of pro-life activists and supporters from around the country to rally at the National Mall and march to the steps of the Supreme Court.


Pregnancy Assistance (Gabriel Project) of Diocese of Arlington

Are you an expectant mother looking for help during this joyful and sometimes apprehensive time? Please call the central toll-free helpline at (703) 841-3810 for a confidential needs assessment. In addition to offering pre-natal care assistance, Gabriel Project offers assistance from parish ministries, Catholic Charities, crisis pregnancy centers and other community resources. Gabriel Project has many amazing mentors with lots of experience not only in raising children but also in living a life firmly rooted in Christ. So, whether you’re a brand-new mom or a mom looking for support, contact Gabriel Project at 1-866-444-3553 or at [email protected]. Please visit our website, Help for Pregnant Women.


Are you a good listener? Can you love without judging? Do you want to help women facing crisis pregnancies? If so, Birthright of Woodbridge (Birthright is a non-profit charitable organization that has been providing love and support for over 45 years to women facing unplanned pregnancies) needs you! For more information, please contact the Birthright office at 703-583-1178 or send an email to [email protected].

Project Rachel

Do you know someone who is carrying grief and sorrow over past abortions? Project Rachel is the post-abortion ministry of the Catholic Church that offers hope and healing to women and men suffering from post-abortion grief and pain. Project Rachel offers support, counseling, retreats, and sacramental Reconciliation. All services are confidential. For more information, please visit: and or call 888-456-HOPE (4673).

Respect Life Committee

  • Building a Culture of Life
  • Post-Abortion Healing
  • Protect the Unborn
  • Abortion
  • Assisted Suicide
  • Euthanasia
  • Capital Punishment
  • Considerations for Earthly Passing
  • Stem Cell Research
  • IVF/Reproductive Technology
  • Conscience Protection
  • Roe v. Wade Events
  • Life Issues Forum


For more information on the Respect Life Committee, please fill out form below.


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