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by Feb 28, 2022Friar Reflection

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ…”  Today’s first reading from 1 Peter begins with praise of God: “Blessed be God…”  To “bless” God means to praise God.  Peter then gives us the reason for praising God.  We praise God because he has given us new birth, we are “born again” through baptism.  We live in hope of an imperishable inheritance, life with God in heaven.

We hope because we know and have experienced God’s “great mercy.”  Peter also brings out that faith is not based on scientific certainty but on love: “Although you have not seen God, you love him; even though you do not see him now, yet you believe in him.”  Faith means first and foremost placing our trust in God.  While assenting to the Creed and the Teachings of the church is important faith is more.  Faith is entering into a personal relationship with God by encountering Jesus.  Like any relationship our faith journey can have its ups and downs.  At times our trust in God is strong but other times we may feel abandoned or even betrayed by God.  God is still there walking with us and waiting for us to turn back to him.

This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.  When we receive our ashes, the minister proclaims: “Repent and believe in the Gospel.”  This proclamation invites us to turn (repent) and trust in God.  Let us strive during this season of Lent to renew our relationship with God and strive each day to trust the greatness of God’s mercy who has given us new birth through our baptism.