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Living or Judging

by Aug 1, 2024Friar Reflection

Today’s parable shows us a way of looking at our lives and the world that has not really penetrated well into our Christian culture. The fishing nets collects all kinds of fish that eventually have to be separated into those that are edible and non-edible. Jesus said that in the end times the angles will separate the righteous from the wicked. In general, we tend to concentrate on the image of pending judgement and we usually take on the role of judges for ourselves. We quickly judge other people, attitudes, activities, and practices. As a result, many times, the Christian community appears judgmental and rejecting to others because we center our lives on the judgement.

We are not called to be wicked or support wicked practices, rather the Christian community lives in the midst of wickedness. God’s love is so immense, it is difficult to understand God’s love for us and the world. But through Jesus life, actions, and preaching, we see that God loves all: the rain falls on the good and the bad, the harvest grows in the midst of weeds, the good and the bad fish are in the net.

All the fish live side by side in the same lake and share the same waters. The Christian community shows a different way of life by being a light, showing true happiness and joy. We are called to use everything at our disposal to show God’s love for all. That is the Good News. The Christian community uses everything it has to show God’s love for all.

Then every scribe who has been instructed in the Kingdom of heaven

is like the head of a household who brings from his storeroom

both the new and the old.
