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Listening to the Word of God – Service and Praise

by May 3, 2024Friar Reflection

The month of May in North America brings new life and joy through the warm spring weather and the blossoming of the plants and trees. The whole world seems to wake up suddenly from a long cold winter sleep. So, it is proper to honor Mary as our queen during the month of May. We call Mary “queen” because she is the first example of a true Christian life for us all.

In today’s Gospel we see how deeply Mary was devoted to service and concerned for others. First, we see that she is devoted to service. Mary receives the message of God’s plan for the salvation of all and about her part in that plan. Rather than reject God’s plan, she surrenders her life to God. Now that she is pregnant, Mary would have had all rights to stay home and relax until the birth of Jesus. Everyone always jokes about the famous cravings and whims of pregnant women. Being pregnant she could have asked Joseph to do things for her. However, Mary was very attentive to the Word of God when the angel Gabriel mentioned that her older cousin Elizabeth was also pregnant. Even though this is not a central point in the angel’s message, Mary heard it and was concerned for her older cousin. She rushes off in haste to serve and help her cousin Isabel. At a time when Mary could have been relaxing and demanding that others serve her, she goes out to serve someone else.

Second, we see that Mary had a deep attitude of praise that guided all her life. Arriving at Elizabeth’s house she busts into a beautiful song of praise to God. Mary is living through a difficult, even traumatic time in her life: she is unexpectantly pregnant, her life with Joseph is upended, and she has just arrived from a very long journey. The first thing out of her mouth is a song of praise. You and I when we face challenging difficulties or setbacks tend to complain against God and everyone else. Something happens and we run to the teacher, principal, Mom and Dad to accuse another student or brother or sister or we just complain against the school or Mom and Dad. Then we start to complain against God. The attitude of complaint leads to very deep sicknesses in our soul and even our bodies. Mary had a different attitude. She blessed and praised God.

Mary’s attitude of listening to the Word of God and surrendering herself to God’s plan is what formed her and enabled her to live in service and praise. That is why we call her queen. Mary’s attitude of listening, surrender, service, and praise are what we are crowing today.

Let us proclaim with Mary:

With all my heart I praise the Lord
