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by Apr 24, 2024Friar Reflection

Light and darkness are important themes in John’s Gospel right from the beginning up to the end. Today Jesus says very clearly that his mission is to bring the light to those who are in darkness. It only takes one small candle to give enough light to dispel the darkness, indicate the way, and serve as a point of orientation. Jesus is the light that brings us out of the darkness – a life of slavery to ourselves and life of disorientation. He is all the orientation that we need to return to the Father.

Of course, we as a Church and as individual Christians are called to reflect that light and be a point of orientation for everyone else. All sources of light eventually burn themselves out and disappear in their service of giving light to others – candles, light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, even the new LED bulbs all will eventually give out.

Jesus’ life, word, and actions were a true example of giving of oneself to the mission of being light for everyone else. This is our joy in this Easter season: we have the light that orientates us on the way back to the Father. We don’t have to flounder about in our own confused thoughts or the ever-changing winds of popular religiosity. Nor do we have to worry that we don’t know what the Father expects of us or what our mission is in life. Nor do we have to worry about condemnation. Jesus is the light that brings us back to the Father. This gives us a permanent root of joy.

I came into the world as light . . .

for I did not come to condemn the world but to save the world.
