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Life and Prosperity or Death and Doom

by Feb 15, 2024Friar Reflection

Here we are in the first days of Lent, the beginning of our road to Jerusalem. Today Moises appears in our Lenten way. Moses is very clear when proclaiming God’s Word to the Israelites and to us. There are only two options in life, two ways. One is united with God’s will and the other is separated from God. Communion with God produces life, while separation from God produces an experience of death. God sets up these contrasts very clearly: prosperity and doom; blessings and curses; life and death. Most of us try to make a middle ground – some of what I want and some of what God wants. Yet the Word of God is clear in saying there is no third option. Lent is a time for us to move away from our self-centered lives which lead us to doom, curses, and death towards lives in communion with God’s will and salvation plan.

Like Moses Jesus is very clear, very direct. He says that the only way for a Christian is self-denial, the cross, and service. Then of course he shows us the way himself on the Cross.

Lent is a time for penance. Not in the sense of self-punishment, but rather of moving our lives towards a deeper conformity with God’s will and plan. The customs of prayer, fasting, and alms giving are not meant to be means of self-punishment or torture, but rather ways that help us experience our lives without all our false self-centered needs. They show us that it is possible to live the cross as it presents itself in our personal life. We are created in the image of God, the image of service, of self-sacrifice, of love. Lent is the way back to our Creator. When we truly live the image of service, self-sacrifice, and love we feel truly alive, well, and good.

If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself

and take up his cross daily and follow me.

What profit is there for one to gain the whole world

yet lose or forfeit himself
