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Just Passing Through or Real Conversion

by Dec 15, 2023Friar Reflection

During most of the pandemic I lived in the Bronx and worked in Harlem in a support program for homeless and street people. Three times a week, I had to take the Metro North train or the subway into Harlem. Many of the larger subway stations have musicians on the mezzanine levels playing live music. One never knew what might be there on a given day: jazz, folk, pop, or classical. It is quite an experience of real beauty in the middle of the hustle and bustle. But most people missed the beauty of it all as they rushed off to someplace else. They seemed oblivious to what was really happening around them.

That is what Jesus is talking about in today’s Gospel. We live like that whole generation that ran through the town plaza without weeping to the sad music nor dancing to the happy music. The music is there, but everyone is too distracted with important things to respond to the music. God is present in our lives every day in countless ways. Without taking time to contemplate the beauty of the wisdom of God, that generation dismissed what Jesus had to say to them. Look how they used their logic to criticize Jesus as they continued in the same old rut of a life. Their life with God and with others never changed.

Our second week of active waiting is ending. In this time of Advent, Isaiah, John the Baptist, and Jesus call us to conversion, to repentance, to renounce our own selves. Advent is ever new, always a new call to deeper faith at a particular moment in our life. This process renews and deepens our joy of the presence of God in our lives. Yet we get stuck in the same old external, superficial ways: songs, carols, Christmas decorations, parties, food, drink, and presents.

God is calling us to stop and listen to the beautiful music of his love alive in our lives and share the joy that comes from that love.

I, the LORD, your God,

teach you what is for your good,

and lead you on the way you should go.
