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In Need of More Shepherds

by Jul 5, 2022Friar Reflection

This passage tells us about the things that moved Jesus the most.  He was moved by compassion by the worlds pain.  He was moved by compassion for the worlds sick, for those who are blind, for those in the grip of demons.  He longed to ease the suffering of those in pain.

He was moved by compassion by the world’s sorrow.  He had a great desire to wipe the tear from every eye.  The sight of the tired and hungry crowds moved Him.  He believed no person should be content to have so much when some have so little.

He was moved to compassion by the world’s loneliness.  The sight of a leper banished from society.  He saw that the world was in need of a Shepherd.  Our world seems to be in particular of a shepherd right now.

We could use a shepherd to lead us over the rocky grounds of fear, anger, and mistrust that we see around us.  A shepherd that reminds us that we are not the only sheep in the flock, that looking out for the common good is still important.  That our survival and progress in life depends on one another.

Jesus raises up shepherds in our own times, may we be alert for them, may we listen to them.  May we ourselves, reach out to others and be Christ like shepherds for others.

We need to remember that Christianity exists not to discourage, but to encourage; not to weigh others down with burdens but to lift them up!