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Good Out of Evil: God is in Control

by Jul 8, 2021Friar Reflection

We often hear of tragedies with innocent victims suffering. The times we were and are still living with the Pandemic has not been an exception. The usual reaction is to question why God allows these things to happen. And the acceptable explanation is that His ways are not our ways and God knows how to bring good out of evil.

In our first reading today from the book of Genesis, we have an example of how this explanation works. Joseph’s brothers who hated him, sold him into slavery and then falsely claimed that he was killed by wild animals. However, because of the talents God had given Joseph, he was able to warn the Pharaoh of a future drought and the starvation that would face the Egyptians.

In return the Pharaoh put him in charge of preparing for the time of the drought. He planned the building of storage facilities during the times of plenty and laid away a portion of the harvest to cover the dry years. By conservation and judicious dispensation of the grain they had, he not only saved the lives of numerous Egyptians but even many of the people from surrounding countries. Among them was the family of Jacob, Joseph’s own brothers. Initially they did not recognize him, nor did Joseph make himself known to them until he was not able to control his emotions or withhold his forgiveness. After a couple of begging trips to Egypt for supplies and fulfilling conditions that Joseph demanded of his brothers, he revealed himself to them. Joseph told his brothers, “Come closer to me. I am your brother Joseph, whom you once sold into Egypt. But do not be distressed, and do not reproach yourselves for having sold me here. It was really for the sake of saving lives that God sent me here ahead of you.”

My dear sisters and brothers, it is hard to recognize the good that follows tragedies and trials. Sometimes it is because those results happen at a much later time. Or because the mysterious connection goes undetected. I think one of the messages that comes through this scripture passage is that God is in control.  It reminds us that God’s plan, which is done with wisdom and love, will bring us, in one way or another, spiritual, temporal, and eternal well-being.