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From Self-Centered Worries to Generosity and Encouragement

by Apr 26, 2022Friar Reflection

In this Easter season the Word of God comes to us today calling us to a new way of life. Nicodemus, a wise and studied teacher, could not understand Jesus’ invitation to become reborn. He challenges Jesus saying: “How can this be? Can anyone enter their mother’s womb again?” Nicodemus’ wisdom was limited. He simply could not imagine anything new – any new creation, any change. That is why Jesus calls him and us to look to him lifted-up on the cross. That is what cured the first disciples and caused them to live in a new creation – a new relationship with God and with each other.

The first reading today tells us how the first disciples lived in that new creation. For them, it was not just a theory, not just something spiritual. We now see, in them, that new creation put into life. It was not a theory for them, but a real and new state of life. No longer worried about themselves, they could live joyfully in God’s providence. The experience of the risen Christ in their lives changed them. They were reborn. So much so that they shared their material belongings in common. Joseph trusted the Lord so much and was so generous that he was called Barnabas or “son of encouragement”. Our trust in the Lord and generosity towards others has to do with our personal conversion, our personal rebirth. But it is important to remember that it also has a public witness aspect – encouragement of others in the faith. They became a community of joy in the Risen Christ. A community evangelizing by being of one heart, one mind, by generosity and encouragement through their lifestyle.