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Friar Daily Reflection

Kerygma – Proclamation

Kerygma – Proclamation

In today’s first reading from the Acts of the Acts of the Apostles, Peter and the Eleven proclaim the kerygma, the mystery of the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus.  They first heard this Good News from the women returning from the empty tomb.  When Mary...

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Today’s Gospel recalls the Last Supper, the supper that Jesus celebrated with his disciples “before the feast of Passover.”  The first reading brings out the meaning of the Jewish feast of Passover: “This day shall be a memorial feast for you.”  The feast recalls and...

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A Play in 3 Acts

A Play in 3 Acts

Holy Week is a story told in three acts. Act 1: Love Portrayed.  All Lent we have seen Love Portrayed:  Jesus transfigured on the mountain top. The glory of God revealed and yet what would seem to be the final scene of the play is but the beginning. We’ve more to...

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Taking a chance

Taking a chance

Your average Catholic only needs to stand next to a born-again, evangelical Christian to understand how private we are about our life in faith.  Of course, you’re thinking, “All that public praying and witnessing, that’s their thing. Our faith was more discrete, more...

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Mary’s Example

Mary’s Example

In today’s Gospel Mary anoints the feet of Jesus.  This event occurs six days before Passover.  On Passover Jesus will wash the feet of his disciples.  John the Evangelist wants us to see these two events as interrelated.  John describes Mary’s actions in this way:...

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Living out the Mystery

Living out the Mystery

This is Holy Week during which the Church invites us to enter more intentionally into the mystery of our salvation through the celebration of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday and the Vigil, and the grand celebration of Easter Sunday. This is Holy Week. But...

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Persecuted Prophets

Persecuted Prophets

In today’s readings we hear of two persecuted prophets, Jeremiah and Jesus.  Both are not only persecuted but threatened with death.  Jeremiah is a reluctant but faithful prophet.  When God calls him, he protests: God: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,...

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A Life Changing Experience

A Life Changing Experience

There are moments in life that change us for the better or for the worst forever. They change our whole outlook on life and even our way of living – such as a serious sickness or near-death experience, love, studies, people from different countries or religion, a...

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Freedom and Truth

Freedom and Truth

In today’s Gospel Jesus teaches us the true meaning of freedom and truth.  His words are simple but profound: “If you remain in my word, you will be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  His words are profound because he...

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Being Guided by Faith

Being Guided by Faith

Joseph is kind of a forgotten figure in the history of salvation. This was sort of planned so that God can be seen as the true Father of Jesus throughout the Gospel. Joseph is not mentioned often in the Gospel. There are very few Christmas carols about Joseph. The...

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Friar Reflection

February 2025