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Friar Daily Reflection

The Economy of Mercy

The Economy of Mercy

Today’s gospel from Luke tells of Jesus’ encounter with the scribes and Pharisees centered around what is proper action on the Sabbath. There were 913 regulations and guidelines arising from the reading of the Torah (Pentateuch). To the modern mind, it is hard to...

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Today we celebrate the Feast of the Nativity or birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Today’s Gospel tells the story of the nativity or birth of Jesus: “This is how the birth (genesis) of Jesus Christ came about.”  Matthew connects the birth of Jesus with the first book...

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Today we begin reading from the Letter of St. Paul to the “holy ones and faithful brothers and sisters in Christ in Colossae.”  This letter begins with a Eucharist or Thanksgiving: “We always give thanks” (eucharistoumen).  The Greek word eucharist means to give...

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Astonished and Amazed

Astonished and Amazed

Many people experience life as boring, a routine sameness that repeats itself season after season. This attitude can even invade our relationship with God. The life of the Jewish people in the times of Jesus was centered around a strict, rigid, rituals in the temple...

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A Necessary Tuneup

A Necessary Tuneup

In our gospel from today’s readings, we find a powerful and transformative moment in the life of Jesus. He has returned to his hometown of Nazareth, and on the Sabbath day, he enters the synagogue. As was custom, someone was asked to read. Jesus is handed the scroll...

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The opening words to our first reading is strong: "You duped me, O LORD, and I let myself be duped” Wow…strong words from the prophet Jeremiah.  Duped, tricked, suckered, fooled, hoodwinked.  No one likes to be the unwitting tool in another’s hands, the butt of a...

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We Are Called God’s Children

We Are Called God’s Children

NOTE: With the beginning of the school year, the weekly Friday school masses may contain readings from the lectionary for children rather than the usual daily lectionary. In the face of the argument amongst the apostles about who is the most important, Jesus proposes...

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The Coming of the Lord

The Coming of the Lord

In today’s first reading Paul talks about the “Coming of the Lord.”  The Greek word he uses is Parousia which in turn is translated into Latin as Adventus.  The term originally referred to the solemn arrival of an important figure such as the emperor or governor.  The...

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This is the last of seven woes that Jesus pronounces in the 23rd chapter of Matthew. All are directed at the formal religious leaders of the time. “Woe” is an exclamation of distress or sorrow. Woe to you, …… on the outside you appear righteous, but inside you are...

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Friar Reflection

July 2024