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Friar Daily Reflection

In the Beginning

In the Beginning

Today’s first reading begins with the beginning: “In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless wasteland, and darkness covered the abyss, while a mighty wind swept over the waters.”  While this is the beginning of God’s...

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Love of God

Love of God

The author of Hebrews brings his work to a conclusion with an exhortation to love: “Let mutual love continue.”  Throughout this work the author moves between exhortations, “love one another,” and doctrinal issues, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and...

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In today’s Gospel Jesus sends out the Twelve to expand his mission of healing and repentance.  Jesus calls the Twelve and sends (apostello) them out on mission.  The vocation or “calling” of these Twelve is to be apostles (apostolos).  An apostle is one who is sent...

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Today’s first reading is taken from Hebrews 12 beginning with verse 4. This long passage of exhortation that follows needs to be understood in the context of yesterday’s reading which included vv.1-2: Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of...

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This past September was my US Naval Academy 50th Class Reunion. As part of that celebration, we had a memorial service. My class graduated and commissioned some 900 Naval and Marine Officers, all of whom went on to serve the nation; many of whom served a full career....

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Healing and Rejection

Healing and Rejection

What an amazing story in today’s Gospel reading. What a challenge for us all. Jesus crosses to the far side of the Sea of Galilee which at the time was not part of Israel. Jesus goes out into this alien territory full of foreigners and pagans far from the people of...

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How it is and will ever be

How it is and will ever be

A new President and Congress in the United States. A truce in Israel and Gaza. A new regime in Syria. War in Ukraine. Political alliances in Europe realigning. Balance of power, geopolitical landscape, nations rise and fall, tipping the scales. This is how it is and...

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Light and Future

Light and Future

The combination of these two very short parables is absolutely astounding. With these two simple, succinct teachings, Jesus outlines for us our mission as Christians and our future before God. Both of these teachings come with an added injunction from Jesus to pay...

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Generosity and Persistence

Generosity and Persistence

In the traditional understanding of the parable of “The Sower and Seed,” the focus is often on the soil as a description of our hearts, of our openness to the word of God being sown into our lives. The soil/heart is described as a well-trod path, rocky ground, a...

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In today’s Gospel some of the Jewish scribes demonize Jesus.  They accuse him of being in league with the devil.  They cannot deny that Jesus has been performing healings and exorcisms, so they claim that he is able to do this not by the power of the Spirit but by the...

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Friar Reflection

February 2025