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Friar Daily Reflection

Standing Still

Standing Still

The gospel for today tells the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus from the Gospel of Luke. St. Luke is a pretty good story teller. Luke chapter 15 is a wonderful collection of parables about things lost and found: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son....

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The Kingdom of God is Among You

The Kingdom of God is Among You

The folks in Jesus’ time wanted to know a specific sign to recognize the beginning of the reign of God. They were always asking when and where it would start. What would be its characteristics? Right up to our times, people are still concerned about these questions:...

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We Give Thanks

We Give Thanks

The simple lesson in today’s Gospel is to give thanks for our many blessings.  This message is certainly appropriate as we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving next week.  The Gospel story begins with ten lepers imploring Jesus for mercy and healing: “Jesus, Master!...

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Worlds in Contrast

Worlds in Contrast

The first reading for today is from the Book of Wisdom (2:23-3:9), which provides a profound reflection on the contrast of world views between the foolish and the wise. The foolish people are described as those who reject wisdom and live in a manner that is contrary...

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Worlds in Contrast

Your choice of wisdom

The first reading for today is taken from the opening of the Book of Wisdom. These simple verses set the tone for the entire book, urging readers to prioritize the search for wisdom, followed by righteousness and integrity in their actions and judgments: “Love...

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Worlds in Contrast

The Small Things

The gospel for today is the story of the “Dishonest Steward” (Luke 16:1-8). These verses are the parable itself but it is good to note that the application of the parable continues in vv.9-13.  The additional verses are: I tell you, make friends for yourselves with...

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Being Temple

Being Temple

First a bit of history & tradition – St John Lateran, mother church of the world: “To dedicate or consecrate” a place to God is a ritual that is found in every religion. To “reserve” a place to God is an act of recognizing His glory and honor. When the Emperor...

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After the Banquet

After the Banquet

In this day and age, we receive all manner of evites: to meetings, parties, events and more. Upon receiving the evite are we excited? Were we just hoping for a day or evening off? Does this seem more obligatory than interesting? Do we have to rearrange schedules? Are...

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Friar Reflection

July 2024