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Discernment and Right Judgment

by Jun 26, 2023Friar Reflection

In today’s gospel Jesus admonished us, “Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you.” There is a strong biblical tradition of understanding that this is to be understood as to not take on the judgment of God in offering an opinion on a person’s ultimate destiny – heaven or perdition. However, it is important to note that Jesus is not advocating for a complete abandonment of discernment or the inability to make righteous judgments. In the same chapter of Matthew (vv. 15-20), Jesus warns about false prophets and instructs His followers to discern their teachings by their fruits. In other parts of the Bible, believers are encouraged to exercise discernment and make judgments, or maybe a better word “assessments,” all based on God’s Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

The biblical concept of judging is multifaceted and can have different nuances depending on the context. What about the context for this reading? Here Jesus is cautioning against a judgmental and hypocritical attitude. He is admonishing us  not to have a self-righteous mindset that looks down upon others while ignoring our own faults. Jesus emphasizes the principle of treating others with the same measure of grace, mercy, and fairness that we would desire for ourselves. It serves as a reminder to approach others with humility, understanding, and compassion, rather than condemning them without proper consideration or without acknowledging one’s own faults.

Who am I to judge? On my best days, I am a believer in Jesus and the Word of God. I bring with me my life experience. My human response is to judge. My better response is to let God’s Word and Spirit form my assessment, and to be curious about the circumstances, and in all cases to remember compassion and charity in my response.

Discernment of heaven or perdition is above my pay-grade. But a thoughtful, charitable word to a sister or brother is what it means to be a believer. The better part of us lets God’s Word and Spirit form our discernments and righteous judgments.

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