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Constance: The Strong Faith of a Mother and The Strong Hope of Two Young People

by Aug 9, 2023Friar Reflection

Today we have two stories of incredible faith that challenge us and call us to bear strong witness with our own lives. In the first reading, in the time after the Exodus, Israel arrives at the border of the Promised Land and sends a group of young men to explore the land. The scouting party returns reporting that the land was filled with fierce people and fortified cities. They also mention “descendants of the Anakim” – giants and distant relatives of Goliath. In general, they said that it would be impossible to move to that land. Only Caleb and Joshua, trusting in God, recommended moving to the Promised Land. But despite the testimony of Caleb and Joshua, all Israel lost hope and despaired. As a result, Israel had to wander in the desert for 40 years. Of that older generation that gave up hope and despair, only Caleb and Joshua finally entered the Promised Land.

In the Gospel, the Canaanite woman lived in Israel. She was an immigrant, a foreigner, a pagan, and an enemy of Israel. What a long list of negative attributes! But above all, she is a mother! I think all those supposedly negative attributes strengthened his spirit. Follow behind the disciples making a public scene. Jesus keeps putting it off. But she keeps insisting. Even the disciples want nothing to do with her. After being discouraged and even insulted, she continues to insist. Then Jesus acknowledges her deep faith.

Christina’s style is to live in the constancy of faith and hope, trusting in God’s action even when we cannot see or understand it.

What is your testimony in front of your family and neighbors about faith and hope?

Image: The Woman of Canaan at the Feet of Christ, Painted by Jean-Germain Drouais (1763-1788), Painted in 1784,

Oil on canvas, © Louvre Museum, Paris;