Cast your net on the right side of the boat and you will find something. This Easter week Jesus is asking us to do two things:
- Sharpen our vision. Scripture suggests one of the reasons Jesus was able to help the disciples catch so many fish, after them having no luck, was that there were shoals in the Sea of Galilee and that sometimes the fish would congregate under them.
Perhaps the disciples did not see them. Jesus with a sharper vision saw them and directed the disciples as to where they were.
And so, Jesus calls us to sharpen our vision to see the possibilities for the good in others. Which leads me to number two.
- He encouraged the disciples to be optimistic. Stop fishing in the waters that leave you dissatisfied and feeling empty and isolated. Instead cast your nets into the waters of generosity and kindness.
As one author suggested, we tend at times to hug the left side of the boat, holding onto angers, resentments and wondering why our nets keep coming up empty.
We are encouraged in today’s Gospel to listen to Jesus, to let go of our hurts, and to fish from the right side of the boat.
Instead of focusing on the negative, look for ways that you can help and alleviate the pain, feelings of isolation, the grief and sadness, that others may be experiencing.
Easter encourages us to start anew, to realize the approaches that don’t work, the approaches that are not helpful, to let go of that which holds us back from being the true compassionate disciples that the Lord calls us to be.
Let us this Easter make the resolution to cast our nets from the right side of the boat.
Good fishing!