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There have been many a Good Friday in the course of my life. I have heard the Passion narrative. I led the Passion narrative during Good Friday liturgies. Over the many years of Bible study I have covered the Passion narrative more than a few times. And now thru the gift of my friends Jerry and Maureen, I experienced Good Friday in a way not to ever be forgotten. In the summer of 2018 I was blessed with the gift of a Holy Land tour. In some small way, I retraced the footsteps of Our Savior...

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The Chrism Mass – did you know?

On Thursday of Holy Week, the priests of the Arlington Diocese and many of the lay faithful will gather with Bishop Burbidge for the annual diocesan Chrism Mass at the Cathedral. In non-pandemic times, many of the lay faithful also join them for the celebration in which the sacred oils are prepared and blessed by the Bishop. At the Chrism Mass three separate urns of oil are offered by the faithful and presented to the bishop for the blessing—the Oil of the Catechumens, the Oil of the Sick, and...

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Into the Heart of Holy Week

Back in the day, two friends and I started a business. We were a good mix of skills, dispositions, and work ethic. One of the partners, Jack, was the best project manager I ever encountered. His staff loved him, and the clients always wanted to know if Jack was managing their particular project. We had one client in the Midwest that made a very large contract contingent on Jack being the manager. That was fine. Jack had a demand of his own – and it was non-negotiable. The client waivered, but...

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The Other Procession

This Sunday as part of our Palm Sunday celebration we will remember and proclaim Jesus’ entry into the city of Jerusalem, from the East. He came riding upon a donkey and was greeted by ordinary people of the city who shouted “Hosanna” – “save us” to the wandering prophet from Galilee, the one of whom was whispered that he might be the promised anointed one. Each year at Passover, Pontius Pilate,  Governor and representative of the Roman emperor, came to Jerusalem from his coastal residence in...

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A Palm Sunday Prayer

Now to the gate of my Jerusalem, The seething holy city of my heart, The savior comes. But will I welcome him? Oh crowds of easy feelings make a start; They raise their hands, get caught up in the singing, And think the battle won. Too soon they’ll find The challenge, the reversal he is bringing Changes their tune. I know what lies behind The surface flourish that so quickly fades; Self-interest, and fearful guardedness, The hardness of the heart, its barricades, And at the core, the dreadful...

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St. Francis House – did you know?

“The generous man is blessed. For he gives of his bread to the poor.”- Proverbs 22:9 St. Francis House is an outreach ministry of the parish located in a townhouse in the Williamstown neighborhood that was established in 1992 to serve the many needs of the low-income, disadvantaged families in the Eastern Prince William County. The ministry is staffed by Francia Salguero and her daughter Angelica Silva. Angelica, now a graduate of George Mason University has been volunteering and working at...

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Parish Cleanup Day

The first Clean Up Day of 2021 was a huge success! Over 35+ bags of litter were removed from around the parish. Please join the Care for Creation Ministry on Saturday, March 27th from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 for our second Adopt-a-Spot Clean Up Day of the year. Please meet in the parish parking lot. Dress for the weather and please wear a mask. Gloves, trash pickers, bags, and reflective vests will be provided. Please contact Scott Deane for more information: [email protected].

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The Year of St. Joseph

Pope Francis has declared his year to be the "Year of St. Joseph." It is a celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the proclamation of St. Joseph a Patron of the Universal Church. There are a number of resources available to celebrate this important moment. We would encourage you to explore the websites of the Diocese of Arlington and the US Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) for their plethora of resources. Diocese of Arlington: You will find the following resources on the diocesan...

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Why You Should Go to Confession

In a previous post, we somewhat whimsically gave reasons not to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation (or Confession). On a more serious note, this post discusses some reasons why you should celebrate the Sacraments, especially during this season of Lent. Reconciliation and the Beauty of God. Through the forgiveness of God and the ministry of the Church, a renewed heart is created in you, the Spirit is again given so that you can live a life reconciled to God, to the community, to family...

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12 Reasons not to go to Confession

12 Reasons not to go to Confession

Lent and Advent are penitential seasons when we’re encouraged to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation: to go to confession. Some people look forward to doing this – others, not so much! Many just don’t think they need to go – for lots of reasons. Here are a dozen reasons to choose from! A Dozen Reasons Not to Go to Confession: Your natural tendency to love God in all things and to love your neighbor as yourself causes you to walk about an inch off the ground on an invisible cloud of...

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