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Friar Reflection

Creative Service

Creative Service

Today we celebrate the feast of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, first person born in the USA to be recognized as a saint. She was a wife, mother, widow, convert, founder of a religious order, and founder...

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The Lamb of God

The Lamb of God

In today’s Gospel John the Baptist continues bearing witness to Jesus: “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.”  These words are familiar since they are the words the priests...

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Who Is the Liar?

Who Is the Liar?

“Who is the liar?  Whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ.”  These words from today’s 1st reading show us that lying was a problem in this 1st Century Christian Community.  It also seems to be a...

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The Holy Family

The Holy Family

Today is the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.  Today’s Gospel tells the story of the visit of the “outsiders,” the Magi, to the holy family.  While the holy family was not your...

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The Innocents

The Innocents

Shadows lurked beneath the light of the star of Bethlehem. There is murder in the air as Herod attempts to eliminate any possible threat to his throne by ordering the death of any male child 2 years...

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The Evangelist

The Evangelist

Today we celebrate the Feast of St. John the Evangelist. In the midst of the Christmas season today's gospel seems out of place. It recounts Mary Magdalene's experience of Easter morning when she...

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The First Martyr

The First Martyr

How quickly things change!  Yesterday we celebrated the birth of Jesus and today we celebrate St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr.  The Greek word “martyr” means a witness.  So, anyone who...

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O Radiant Dawn

O Radiant Dawn

Jesus Christ comes to illuminate our lives with a new vision that remakes all of us. Today’s OH antiphon reminds of the need for a new light that all of us have inside our hearts and souls. Today’s...

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To whom the Word came

To whom the Word came

Today’s Gospel is a familiar part of the Christmas story - the Angel Gabriel inviting Mary into the plans of God for redemption and salvation of the world. Given its proximity to Christmas, I...

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