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Bible Study

St. Jerome offered that ignorance of Scriptures is ignorance of Christ. Want to deepen your understanding, familiarity and knowledge of Jesus? Study the Bible. Let this page be a start on the life-long, never ending adventure of discovery!

Bible on the Back PorchSunday Thoughts

How to Read the Bible

The Bible is the most influential book in human history, but what is it exactly? This reading plan is designed to introduce you to the Bible and its unique design, various genres, and unified story. The plan consists of 19 lessons designed so that you can move at your own pace. Each lesson consists of a short introductory text and a corresponding video. We hope this introduction will help you to more deeply and richly encounter the Word of God in your life.
Click on the image above to start!

The Gospel

When it comes to materials available to study and delve into the Bible, there is no shortage of resources in the form of books, online videos, courses and more. This Bible Study Plan for the Gospels is at an introductory level and meant to be approachable and easily understood. The Plan emphasizes the Gospels are part of an overall integrated story that begins in the Old Testament, points to the New Testament and finds its fulfillment in the person of Jesus Christ.
Click the image above to start!

St. Paul - Life and Letters

St. Paul of Tarsus is the great missionary and evangelists of the early Church. Called “the apostle to the Gentiles”, Paul was relentless is bringing the good news to communities across Asia Minor and Greece. Some 13 letters of the New Testament are ascribed to his authorship. The letters are revelatory about life in the early Church and the basic kergyma of faith – that essential proclamation of Christ as Lord and Savior. This lesson plan is but an introduction to the life and letters of St. Paul – let’s get started! Click the image above!

Who wrote the Bible?

with Fr. Felix Just, S.J.

After a lengthy academic career, these days his main ministry is providing adult biblical education, faith-formation programs, and biblical/spiritual retreats for a wide variety of people, not only in Southern California, but also throughout the USA and online. He currently works full-time for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, coordinating the Theological and Liturgical Formation of Deacons. You can find an amazing wealth of Biblical and Liturgical information at his website Catholic Resources.

Reading Along with the Church

Following the Liturgical Seasons, the Catholic Church daily proclaims a selected gospel passage, a psalm, and a reading from either the Old or New Testament. Enrich your spiritual and prayer life in concert with the liturgical rhythms of daily worship. Follow along with the Church

Read or Listen to the Daily Scriptures

  • Read online at US Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
  • Listen to the US Bishops podcast (USCCB)

Reflections on Daily Scriptures

Bible in a Year

In the Catholic sphere, by far the most popular study plan is offered by Fr. Mike Schmitz via Ascension Press. It is provided in a podcast format in which Fr. Mike walks you through the entire Bible in 365 episodes, providing commentary, reflection, and prayer along the way. 

Each 20-25 minute episode includes 2-3 scripture readings, a reflection from Fr. Mike, and a guided prayer to help you hear God’s voice in his Word. You can subscribe to the podcast via Ascension Press or  any number of popular podcast services.