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The Time Given

Today’s first reading continues with the accounts in the Book of Genesis. We move from the story of Cain and Abel at the beginning of Genesis 4 to the story of Noah in Genesis 6. Let me fill in the highlights in between. The descendants of Cain are described in terms...

It’s your choice

In today’s first reading, the brothers Cain and Abel have just brought an offering to the Lord. Abel brought his best lamb to offer to God in sacrifice. Cain brought some of the first fruits of the harvest, but pointedly not the best. “The Lord looked with favor on...

Support the Bill Mehr Drop-in Center

MEALS FOR THE BILL MEHR SHELTER Prince William County As part of putting or faith into action we Franciscans believe that helping our brothers and sisters in need is an essential part of who we are. We have been helping the Prince William County shelters for more than...