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The Feast of St. John Chrysostom

Today is the Memorial of St. John Chrysostom (“golden tongue”), known for his oratory skills. John gained popularity because of the eloquence of his public speaking at the Golden Church, Antioch’s cathedral, especially his insightful expositions of Bible...

Critical Receiving Units – An Update

Advocacy works!  As a result of the efforts of VOICE, and others, the Prince William County Board of Supervisors is moving along in their plans to evaluate, design and build Critical Receiving Units (formerly called Crisis Stabilization Units) in the county!  The unit...

Principles of Conduct

Our first reading is a letter from St. Paul to the community of believers in Colassae. It was a community begun by a compatriot of Paul’s; a man named Epaphras who visited Paul in prison to give him a report on the community. He reports to Paul that the community is...

St. Gregory the Great

Today is the memorial of St. Gregory the Great. The gospel reading, particular to the memorial is Luke 22:24-30 which recounts when “argument broke out among the Apostles about which of them should be regarded as the greatest.” It is an ironic selection for a man who...