by Fr. George Corrigan OFM | Sep 29, 2021 | Friar Reflection
Today is the Feast of the Archangels with a reading from the Gospel of John in which Jesus encounters Nathaniel under a fig tree. It is only at the end of the reading that angels get a mention: “you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending...
by Fr. George Corrigan OFM | Sep 28, 2021 | Friar Reflection
Today includes an optional Memorial in honor of St. Wenceslas of Bohemia (which today we would understand as modern Czechoslovakia). The first reading for the memorial is from 1 Peter 3:14-17 and has what I think is one of the most foundational of Biblical and life...
by Fr. George Corrigan OFM | Sep 24, 2021 | Friar Reflection
In today’s first reading we hear from the Prophet Haggai, who ministered in the post exilic period when the Jewish people, under a grant from King Cyrus of Persia, returned to Jerusalem. But it was not the Jerusalem remembered by their parents and grandparents. This...
by Fr. George Corrigan OFM | Sep 22, 2021 | Friar Reflection
In our first reading for today’s Mass, we encounter Ezra. You might ask, “…and who is Ezra?” The genealogy of Ezra (Ezra 7:1–5) traces his priesthood back to Aaron, brother of Moses. He is also called a scribe, well-versed in the law of Moses (7:6), indicating...
by Fr. George Corrigan OFM | Sep 20, 2021 | Franciscan
In Western Christianity, the Transitus (translation from Ecclesiastical Latin: crossing or passing over) refers to “the time of passage through death to life”. The Christian theologian German Martinez writes that: “The idea of death in the Latin transitus … represents...