Today’s first reading from St. Paul is part of a cohesive thought that he has been building upon since the beginning of this 1st Letter to the Corinthians (which began with Friday’s readings and continues for about three weeks.) It all began after Paul left the...
A world of information, expert advice, and knowledge all sit at our fingertips. With all that available to us via a simple query or the use of artificial intelligence such as Chat GPT, we should have plenty of answers to our questions. But will the answers carry...
The first reading is from the Prophet Ezekiel from a larger section known as the “Oracles Against the Nations.” In our reading the charge leveled against the prince of Tyre is simple and direct: you have become arrogant, or as we read “haughty of heart”. The prophet...
Beginning today, Monday, and continuing until August 24th, with the exception of some solemnities, Sundays, feast/memorial celebrations, our first reading is from the Prophet Ezekiel. It is a dense book with lots going on, and it is broken up into bits and bites that...
The image above is a painting, “Finding of the True Cross” by Agnolo Gaddi. It came to mind when preparing for this reflection and as a popular expression came to mind: “that’s their cross to bear.” What that means is that the person must accept an unpleasant...